Swami Nalinanand Ji Maharaj
Kathopanishad says that learn from the one who is ananya or in other words one with God – one who is no different than him. Brahmahvid Brahmev Bhavati…..( Brahmsutra) i.e. One who knows God becomes one with him. Narayan ke jo jan so narayan jaan ( in Bhakti Prakash.). And Shri Swami Satyanand Saraswatiji Maharaj in one of his lectures (recorded copy and transcript available on website for download) speaks from the 18th and concluding chapter of Srimad Bhagwad Geeta about the way to worship and attain and experience God and His knowledge. It is .. Swakarmana tabhyarchah siddhim vindati maanavah…i.e. doing ones duty and at the same time believing that my duty is worship of God and offering these flowers to God is the way to attainment of oneness with The Perfect and Infinite.
He gave illustrations and references from Hindu scriptures like Mahabharat, Upanishads, Srimad Bhaagwat Mahapuraan to bring home this point in one of his wonderfully great book Shri Bhakti Prakash. He goes on to give references of Kaushik Mahamuni who went on to take lessons on Brahm Gyaan from a ordinary Housewife. And she says to Mahamuni Kaushik, “I learnt all this while doing my duties towards my husband. He further gives reference about another ascetic Jaajli who was inspired by Divine voice to go and seek the way to attain God from a trader and householder Tuladhaar. Tuladhaar teaches him that I learnt this science and attained the divine knowledge while serving my parents and selling timber. He goes on to give example of King Janak how he attained the ultimate – after knowing whom, nothing remains to be known. And he attained this while he took care of his day to day duties as king.
Swami ji goes on further to say that Banda Bairagi and Maharana Pratap achieved Him while doing their duties towards their countrymen and by doing the supreme sacrifice. He postulated the eternal and perennial vedic truth that Bhakti and Sadhna in no way isolates you from the society and family. He tried to describe that how one has to worship as a part of his daily duties and thoughts. Parmaatma ko poojiye Ghat mein Dhar kar dhyaan, Man ko mandir maaniye, jo hai param mahaan……….. He asks us to worship Almighty Shri Ram in our body and to seat the lord inside our mind and heart. And he describes this as the highest temple of the lord. Since this is the highest temple, he goes on to describe in detail……kayak e sadhan or the means to make body fit and worthy of being the temple of the lord.
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22 Railway Crossing, Patiala, Punjab 147001 INDIA
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